All Under One Roof

We are so pleased with the drum beat of support in the community for the new Family Justice Center in Clackamas County. This past July, the County held a strategic planning session for community leaders to help us think through the launch of the Center. And at a milestone event on September 10, we were so excited to announce matching gifts of $50,000 from the Cedars Company and Sunset Forest Products for CWS’ capacity expansion into the Family Justice Center. In addition, we also were able to announce a generous gift of $67,000 from HEDCO Foundation for the facility investment at the FJC.

An editorial from Pamplin Media Group said it best:

Once the Family Justice Center opens, services will be found under one roof, making it easier for women and families to make the transition to a better and safer environment. The facility, operated by Clackamas Women’s Services, will be the most comprehensive of its type in the Pacific Northwest… The wider community support for the project also cuts across political and ideological lines. At last Tuesday’s celebration, there were county commissioners, Metro councilors, Republican and Democratic legislators, business people, law-enforcement officials, government bureaucrats and social-service workers all cheering the same cause.

So thanks so much to all our supporter in the community. And special thanks to Jeff and Kari Kappler and Greg Nielsen of Sunset Forest Products and Mike and Kay Wells and Bill and Barbara Friesen of Cedars Company!