Our Shelter is expanding!!

In response to the need for increasing the capacity of emergency shelter for victims of domestic violence CWS opened the Shelter Annex over the 2012 Christmas Holiday weekend. The new annex which houses five bedrooms, two large bathrooms, laundry facilities, office space and storage will allow CWS to serve 50 – 70 more people each year with a comparatively small increase in overhead. The newly remodeled kitchen can accommodate this increase in capacity and a new paved driveway and walk way will make the property user-friendly for those with disabilities. Thanks to our partners and investors for their support including: Clackamas County, Meyer Memorial Trust, Advantis Credit Union, Jane W Kilkenny Charitable Remainder Trust, Double J Construction and many other vendors who gave us discounts or donated their expertise to make this expansion a reality. See the KGW Video (above) to take a look at our new space!